AI Marketing: SEO Content Automation

AI Marketing: SEO Content Automation
SEO Content Automation - AI Marketing
When it comes to SEO content, flooding the web with vanilla AI generated content is probably the worst thing you can do for your brand.

For our partner and client a pet veterinary platform, we wanted to automate SEO content creation but make it curious, intriguing and grounded in reality. We look for current trends, take real issues that pet owners are facing and have the blogs generated in style of Dr. Rick Dumm the CEO (and Vet) of Datag, the company behind pet-vet platform.



Finding themes for the content:

The client already has very active veterinary app to help pet owners with pet health related questions. So we setup a system that goes through all the conversation and questions on their platform and find the themes based on:
- most asked questions
- most intriguing questions
- question based on current pulse in the world

We take those questions and the answers from the AI-vet on the platform and structure a blog article from it.

Layout and Style:

To get a write style and structure for the blog design, we fine-tuned a LLM on medical blog designs with best SEOs. Now we had a very good structure for the blog layout.

Next was style:
Dr. Rick Dumm, is very funny and intelligent person. He is a cowboy, season entrepreneur and licensed veterinary. Rick also has unique-witty style of writing. So we fine-tuned a model on his emails. And now blog was generated as if written by Rick.
Rick would now proof read every blog and edit the content as he deemed fit. For every 10 blogs he edited, we fine-tuned a new LLM on his style. By the time we reached 20th blog, Rick was only proof reading and pushing the publish button.

Wanna super charge your brand creation with unique and curious content grounded in reality get in touch with us at or setup a call via contact us.

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